Our fabrication goes beyond just building your ideas. Time is taken in choosing the proper materials for your piece. Durability, weight, and cost are all factored in to give you the best product. Our craftsmen also consider mobility, ease of the set up, and appearance. All surfaces are given a finish, not only for what is viewed but for what is "behind the scenes."
Our artistry has always been an emphasis at our company - it's where we started. We have taken traditional skills & techniques and integrated them with the always evolving digital era. Our artisans are capable of designing, painting & sculpting whatever you imagine, big or small, to be viewed close up or afar.
Our production and set design team works from concept to development to execution for both small and large scale projects. Our producers, creatives and innovators are versed in every aspect of your studio set & live event.

Project Management
Technical Design
Concept Design Assistance
3D Modeling
3D Printing
Budget Management
Research and Development
Carpentry and woodworking
Welding and Metal Working
CNC Routing
Fixture Work
LED Work
Prop Making
Laminates and Plastics
Fire Certification
Scenic Painting
Sculpting and 3D Milling
Industrial and Spray Finishes
Plural Component Spray Finishes
Mold Making and Casting
Rotational Casting
Thermo Vacuum Forming