A Bad Cinderella Chariot of Theatrical Proportions

It was all hands on deck for this chariot featured in Andrew Lloyd Weber’s Bad Cinderella on Broadway.

This chariot was designed to be durable enough to withstand the weight of cast members while looking beautiful onstage, keeping in mind every intricate detail that could be appreciated by audience members seated up close and afar.

Many of the chariot’s unique wooden details were hand painted with the final production piece able to operate as a true chariot, with moving, functional parts and a beautiful aesthetic.

Our carpentry and woodworking skills took center stage for this project, with ease of set up, appearance and mobility all playing a large role in the techniques chosen to make this peace stand out.

This chariot was carefully packaged before being placed on it’s way to the Big Apple - New York, New York - for it’s debut on stage with cast members!

Are you looking for set or prop design for a future project? Contact us at production@czinkota.com